Halloweeeeen! Could there even be a "funner" holiday, hardly! Picking out the purrr-fect costume took weeks...but she looked fab (although I have to admit, most people did not know what she was... A CAT PEOPLE, A CAT!!!) Last year was actually her first Halloween but this year was her first time "trick-or-treating." We had a BLAST! We live in Frisco now so getting out also gave us the chance to explore the new hood and meet some new peeps! Maddy had a ball, she was fascinated by all the pumpkins, "pun-keys, pun keys!!!" and loved the attention from the people passing out candy. I am not ashamed to say I almost "lost it" a couple of times as I watched her put on a show for the neighbors! I really felt like I was watching her first "performance" or something... yes, even though all she did was walk up to people's door, smile, and grab candy! That was really enough for me... it was the cutest thing E-vah! We stayed out later than planned, and came home and watch "It's a great pumpkin Charlie Brown" then off to bed! She slept in the next morning until 11:00 am!!!! Yes you heard me right! Wow... that candy huntin' wore here out- and poor little gal didn't even get to eat any of it! ha ha... Maybe next year!