Thursday, April 12, 2012

"Pinterest, It's not you, it's me"

I wonder if I am the only one that gets overwhelmed by the “Pinterest Perfection.” At first, the wealth of creativity is intoxicating! You can't get enough, right? But soon the reality of "I can't live up to this standard" settles in and what you're left with is self doubt and guilt! It is modern day "Keeping up with the Joneses"  times 10! So Pinterest and I are officially "taking a break."  Don't get me wrong, I still aspire to make my children's lives a little more magical and my home a little lovelier and more inviting... And I get that Pinterest can be a wonderful source of inspiration. But at the point which I began to feel it was the standard of how I should live, mother, look, cook and breath... that's when I had to reevaluate!  I started questioning, "At what cost does 'perfection' come?", "Who really cares if I'm perfect anyway?"  and "Am I really so perfect and creative or just a great copy cat?"  (geez...sometimes I even fell short of being a "great copy cat") Truth is,  I love being creative and expressing myself, but when I got on Pinterest I found myself copying more than creating. More than inspiring it was sapping of any original or unique idea. Now you might say, that sounds like a personal problem, and I would 100% agree with you! I've been on a creative block for some years now, and I can't blame Pinterest for that. But what I am saying is that during a time in my life when I have more material to keep a blog full for a year, (getting ready for my daughters 3rd birthday party in 2 weeks, making plans for sweet boys nursery, decorating M's big girl room, organizing every square inch of my house, spending thousands on curb appeal, OH! and growing a human in my body, preparing for a peaceful home birth... etc…etc... )  I don't want to lose my own creative voice (or sanity) in the process of trying to achieve someone else's perfect!  Yesterday was a hard day of lamenting all the things "I am not" (remember I am 7 months pregnant...more emotional than usual no doubt!)  So I had a pity party!  But then, I woke up this morning and came across this amazing article by Motherhood Matters...EXHALE... It was exactly want I needed to hear! Tears began to flow; it was one of those times when I wasn't sure if they'd stop!  She said the words my heart was sighing... but more importantly she pointed out what really matters. Love! Are you loved? Do the people in your life know you love them? The rest is fluff! She gets it! I want to live it.  Two verses immediately came to mind:

"Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples." John 13:35

“You are worried and upset over all these details!  But there is only one thing worth being concerned about."
 Luke 10:41-42

Truth is refreshing!

Leave me a comment and let me know what you think! How do you stay reminded of truth in your day to day?


TeresaD said...

Matthew 6:25-34. I won't quote the whole thing but 6:33 is a good one: "But seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be given you besides." I always remember this after I need it but it is so true! Great post, Amanda.

Amanda said...

Thanks ddd :) and thanks for adding that verse!